It seems that one of the questions that is most asked is “What is your writing essentials list?”. BLah. Blah. You can finish this.

This is one of the most asked question, it seems. So you’re likely wondering what my essentials are. Well, buckle up, because my list is lengthy.

My Writing Essentials List:

  1. My Macbook Pro is the computer that I use. Don’t come for me, but I feel that the Apple environment is easier to work with.
  2. The Notes app on my iPhone. I have well over three-hundred notes, all related in some form or fashion to writing.
  3. The Persona app (Mariner Software). It is a great character organizer. There’s not another app like it.
  4. The Scrivener app. This is my main writing tool.
  5. ProWritingAid - This is one of only two developmental editors that I’ll ever use.
  6. AutoCrit - This is the second developmental editor that I use.
  7. ChatGPT - I know this is “controversial,” now ask me if I give a damn… Newsflash, I don’t.
  8. Claude - Yes, another AI web UI. If you follow this blog you’re going to see me talk about AI a lot.
  9. Sudowrite - Once again, AI rears their fabulous head.
  10. OpenRouter - It’s literally an AI playground and I love exploring the different models. It’s so much fun.
  11. Rexy - It’s Future Fiction Academy’s AI Model. It’s a lot of fun.
  12. Logseq - It’s a repository for my manuscripts, much like Scrivener.
  13. CardBuddy - This app is just a fun repository. It is a bit limited, however.
  14. Outline - This app is essentially a place to put all of your work and keep things separate.
  15. NovelCrafter - This is a repository for your novels with an AI assistant.
  16. Dramatica Story Expert - This si a repository for your novel that allows for quick section work.
  17. Bibisco - An all-in-one story mapping program.
  18. FirstDraftPro - An all-in-one story creation tool.
  19. Curio - A whole novel organizer.
  20. Lore Forge - A whole world building organizer.
  21. Notion - A whole novel organizer.
  22. iThoughtsx - A mind-mapping program.
  23. Scrintal - A whole novel organizer.
  24. Aeon Timeline - An outlining program.
  25. TextSoap - An editing program.
  1. Persona -
  2. Scrivener -
  3. ProWritingAid -
  4. AutoCrit -
  5. ChatGPT -
  6. Claude -
  7. Sudowrite -
  8. OpenRouter -
  9. Rexy -
  10. Logseq -
  11. CardBuddy -
  12. Outline - See the Apple or Android Store.
  13. NovelCrafter -
  14. Dramatica Story Expert -
  15. Bibisco - See Apple or Android Store.
  16. FirstDraftPro -
  17. Curio -
  18. Lore Forge -
  19. Notion -
  20. iThoughtsx -
  21. Scrintal - See Apple or Android Store.
  22. Aeon Timeline - See Apple or Android Store.
  23. TextSoap - See Apple or Android Store.