Body Horror Writing Prompts
Body Horror Writing Prompts:
Below are five writing prompts from the body horror genre. I would love to see what you can do with one or all of them.
Writing Prompt One:
“Womb of Nightmares” – After a global fertility crisis, an experimental birthing program leads to the creation of grotesque, malformed creatures instead of human children. These newborn abominations grow rapidly, and as they overrun society, the remaining population fights to survive their grotesque offspring.
Writing Prompt Two:
“The Organ Thief” – In a world where organ transplants have become routine, a black-market surgeon steals not only organs but entire body parts, creating grotesque patchwork humans. When his latest creation escapes, it starts hunting its creator, leaving a trail of mutilated bodies in its wake.
Writing Prompt Three:
“The Corpse Factory” – In a near-future world, human bodies are recycled in gruesome ways to sustain an overpopulated society. When the factory machines begin to malfunction, the dead are reanimated and melded together into grotesque forms, attacking the living and reshaping the landscape into a hellish, flesh-laden nightmare.
Writing Prompt Four:
“The Bone Harvest” – A cult devoted to human metamorphosis begins implanting experimental bone and muscle tissue into willing followers, transforming them into grotesque creatures of immense strength and terror. As the town falls under the cult’s sway, one outsider fights to stop the rise of these monstrous beings before they destroy everything.
Writing Prompt Five:
“The Grafting Ritual” – In a remote village, ancient rituals allow people to graft animal and human body parts onto their bodies, creating grotesque chimeras. When a stranger arrives, he must navigate the horrific, ever-shifting population to uncover the truth behind the village’s monstrous transformations.
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